Baltimore Chapter of the American Guild of Organists

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December 2023

As I have been preparing the music for our upcoming service of Nine Lessons and Carols, I keep being drawn to the story of the Annunciation. It is rather remarkable that this young girl of humble means is greeted by an other-worldly being and told of her role in an astounding prophecy. What is even more remarkable is that she doesn’t run and hide, or make up excuses that she is too busy (remember, she is planning a wedding), or say that it is someone else’s turn. Instead, she responds with “yes”. She was all in! “Let it be to me according to your word”, she says, and the world was changed.

This leads me to think of other important figures who, when asked to do something which would change their lives, responded “yes”, and the world was changed. Abraham, Moses (although he tried to wheedle out of it, he eventually agreed), Isaiah, and many others in various faith traditions changed the direction of their lives and the impact of their decision is still felt today. Secular figures, such as George Washington, also responded “yes” when asked by their colleagues to leave the comfort of their lives and do something revolutionary.

The Executive Committee of Baltimore AGO has just appointed a Nominating Committee to prepare the slate of officers, Executive Committee members, and others for our elections next year. We have a very strong Nominating Committee, made up of some long-time members and some who are relatively new to our chapter. Their task is to identify and recruit persons who will say “yes” to the possibility of a leadership role in our chapter. 

The Nominating Committee will not appear in your bedchamber in strange costumes and making astounding prophecies, but they may be calling you to ask you if you are willing to be put forward as a candidate for election. I hope that in the tradition of the great figures from history, you will say “yes” when asked, and our chapter, if not our world will be changed by your decision.

May you all have a blessed Advent, Christmas, Hannukah, or whatever holiday season you choose to celebrate.


The December 2023 issue of the Pipe & Pedal is now available.